Unzeen Fest Pt. 1
Unzeen Fest 2022 was curated to bring together different groups of creatives with the focus on creating never before seen zines.
Flyer Design
Flyer Designs were used to announce event information and calling for art vendors. It gives an opening preview to the final flyer design and overall theme of the event. This includes color themes and illustrations.

Color Palette

Final Flyer
The final flyer design announces the participating art vendors and performers. This flyer is displayed at local shops, restaurants, and venues.

Social Media
Social media design included, but not limited to update announcements, resourceful information about event, and artist/ performer shout outs posts.

Illustrated and Animated Posts

Promotional Print Media
Designing promotional incentives for the event in order to boost awareness.
A magazine design for a raffle contest showing every artist's zine created for the event. A one of a kind book created solely for the zine event.
*book cover art credited and designed by @morveed

T-shirt design for volunteering participants. Bringing together community by providing volunteering opportunities.
Lanyard design was created for each performer and artist with their social media tag along with a QR code linked to the unzeenfest social media. This was to help easily promote the event and everyone participating.